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Beware of Imposters and Monsters

It’s Cybersecurity Month, so this is a “back to basics” reminder of the principles of good cyber safety. Stone Bank is committed to protecting our resources from fraud and scam events and helping everyone #becybersmart by following these tips to protect your accounts and information.

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SBA REAL TALK | 1031 Exchange

Known as a “like-kind exchange,” a 1031 exchange refers to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code Section 1031. The provision allows you to swap like-kind business or investment properties while deferring capital gains taxes.

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USDA Real Talk: Rural Hospital Group Testimonial

Access to quick, quality healthcare is something many of us may take for granted. Urban and suburban communities can choose from various hospitals, clinics, independent practitioners, and even “Quick Care” facilities for their health needs.

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September 2020 Security Update – Back to School Edition

I think most of us would agree that this has been a crazy year… and if you have school age children then it is even crazier and there seem to be more questions than answers on how our children are (if they are) going to attend school, how will they stay safe, and hundreds of other issues.

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Stone Bank Security Newsletter – May 2020

Crooks use clever schemes to defraud millions of people every year. They often combine new technology with old tricks to get people to send money or give out personal information. In these Pandemic day, bad actors continue to try to exploit everyone.

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January 2020 Security Update

In today’s digital world, we should not only consider physical assets but also digital assets in our future estate planning. What happens to our digital presence when we die or become incapacitated?

Black Friday & Cyber Monday

With Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the holiday shopping season soon to be in full swing, cybercriminals are working overtime to turn your search for a deal into a score for the bad guys.

Dedicated to Kids Safety

It’s Summer!! And many of us have kids or grandkids or other kids or somebody else’s kids and they are starting to get bored and spend a lot of time on video games or on social media.

Debit Card Locks and Credit Freezes

Many major banks (and definitely Stone Bank) can provide you the ability to lock your debit card. This prevents your debit card information from being used to make a purchase.

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