Boulder Money Market
Save money and have easy access to your funds.
Stone Bank’s Boulder Money Market brings you the ease
of a checking account with the benefits of a savings account.
Boulder Money Market Features
Opening Deposit
Earned Daily
Minimums on Withdrawals
Stone Bank’s Boulder Money Market brings you the ease of a checking account with the benefits of a savings account.
✓ $2,500 minimum to open account
✓ Minimum balance to avoid service fee $2,500
✓ $10 fee if balance falls below minimum during the statement cycle
✓ Earn interest on all of your money regardless of balance
✓ Interest bearing tiered-rate account
Creating your new account should only take a few minutes.
What you'll need:
✓ Your First and Last Name
✓ Your Social Security Number
✓ Email Address
✓ Date of Birth
✓ Current Mailing Address

A Boulder Way to Bank on the Go.
Stone Bank Mobile Banking is a convenient and secure way to access our online banking. It validates and safely stores your login information, simplifies logging in, and allows you too quickly and securely check up to four account balances from the login screen. Approved customers can even deposit checks straight from their phones.